I have been blessed to be a part of San Francisco Christian School since my first day in first grade, and I proudly graduated in 1997. Many of the teachers who invested in my life during those formative years at SFCS continue to impact me today. Their unwavering dedication and Biblical role-modeling have reinforced my strong belief that Christian education is the only way to truly equip students to navigate life with a Biblical worldview.
I grew up with a deep appreciation for Christian education and its vital role in shaping students both academically and spiritually. God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve in Christian education as a teacher and administrator for 20+ years. This has allowed me to witness firsthand the impact of Biblically grounded instruction.
Throughout my career, I have been privileged to travel to several Christian schools throughout the country to learn their best practices and gain valuable insights into how strong, mission-driven institutions operate. These experiences have broadened my perspective and demonstrated to me the many ways Christian schools are used by the Lord to bring communities to the Gospel and engage a Biblical worldview.
At key moments during my time serving in Christian education, I have faced leadership transitions and had the opportunity to step in and help bridge gaps by ensuring stability and a continued commitment to a Biblical worldview education.
Beyond my administrative responsibilities, I deeply value the relationships built with students, families, and faculty. My passion lies in strengthening San Francisco Christian School as a place that will continue its tradition of Christ-centered education for generations to come. I am committed to building a school that remains faithful to its mission—to embrace the Gospel, engage a Biblical worldview, and enact a Christ-centered life.
In my free time, I cherish moments with my two boys, searching for unique finds at garage sales, and diving into historical lectures and watching a great movie. I also seek out opportunities to attend conferences on best practices in Christian education and continue my professional growth in the field of history (my other background). Serving at San Francisco Christian School is a true blessing, and I look forward to reaching as many families in the city with the Good News!